Wednesday, February 24, 2010

On finding myself...Had a crazy dream a couple of nights ago that won't let go. I'm realizing that my entire life seems about trying to define me I guess. The journey began early, and always involved moving away from where I started. I spent so many years wanting something more...more knowledge, more sophistication, more adventure, more beauty, more money, more friends, more acceptance. Being myself wasn't ever enough. I think the journey is taking me back to where I started. I don't need so much more, anymore. I feel OK with the me that my parents created and nurtured. Pretty simple, not very exciting, but it feels like enough.


  1. Post to self..I watched what looked like a very heartfelt, artsy short film that talked about the journey to find oneself...seemed exactly like my own words earlier in the day...however, it turned out to be a commercial for Louis Vittan. Hah! Exactly NOT what I was trying to say.

  2. I was looking for a recipe and I found your little sweet you all are.... like gold
